Bowling Shoe Design that
Strikes Out

In recent years bowling is making a surge back to popularity with the recreational bowling crowd. Bowling centers have been springing up that cater to the “Cocktail Bowler”. These centers noticeably focus their décor, food, and drinks at an upscale market. Observing the emergence of these new niche markets, Circle Athletics worked with us to design new lines of bowling footwear that would be desirable to the upscale bowler. Showcased here are two product lines. One is the Elite and the other is the Sport.

The Elite styling positions the line to fill a premium-level niche in the recreational bowling segment. Conservative dark colors combined with genuine leathers provide an appearance of business casual street shoes but have the slide-sole of a bowling shoe. The Sport styled shoe is designed for the segment that prefer an athletic contemporary style. Materials and colors common in running and outdoor footwear are combined with a molded slide sole to complete a fashionable athletic street shoe look for the bowling lanes.